​Reading 4.1
"Corporate Failures: Why Organizations Fail to Learn" by Shukla, M - 1994
"The Myth of Unbounded Growth" by Mackey, J & Valikangas, L - MIT Sloan Management Review, Winter 2004, pp. 89-92.
"Slow growth = Slow Death?" by Spolsky, J - Inc., November 2009, pp. 41-42. 2009.
“Speed Traps” by Weisul, Kimberly - INC, September 2012, 53-57.
"Why Good Companies Go Bad" by Sull, DN - Harvard Business Review, vol. 77, no. 4, pp. 42-52.
"Understanding the Causes of Business Failure Crises: Generic Failure Types” by Richardson, Bill, Nwankwo, Sonny, Richardson, Susan - Management Decision, Vol. 32, No.4, 1994, pp.9-22.
“The Corporate Life Cycle: Leading Organizations to Perpetual Life” by Tokarszyk, T & Appelman, J - FMI Quarterly, Issue 4. 2008.
"Why Bad Things Happen To Good Companies" by Shapiro, BP, Slywotzky, AJ & Tedlow, RS - HBS No. 9-595-045, Boston, Harvard Business School Publishing. 1994.
"The Acceleration Trap" by Bruch, H & Menges, JI - Harvard Business Review, vol. 88, no. 4, pp. 80-86. 2010.
"Your Awkward Phase, and Why You Should Love It” by Buchanan, Leigh - Inc., September, 2015, 70-76.
“Why Organizations Don’t Learn” by Gino, Francesca & Staats, Bradley - Harvard Business Review, November 2015, pp.111-118.
"Right Tech, Wrong Time" by Adner, Ron & Kapoor, Rahul - Harvard Business Review, November 2016, 61-67.
"The Normalization of Deviance in Healthcare Delivery", Banja, John, Business Horizons,
"Why Start-ups Fail", Eisenmann, Tom, Harvard Business Review, May-June 2021, pp.76-85.
"How Fast Should Your Company Really Grow?" Pisano, Gary, HBR Mar-Apr 2024, 39-45.